The advantage of being assisted by an MTB teacher, even just for a few hours, is noticeable and guarantees a huge bang for your buck!
Recognizing the root of the problem is essential, then choosing the most effective drills to correct specific movements will help you straighten out your technical flaws quickly.
The coach will assess your riding skills and suggest what to work on straight away. He’ll explain in detail and demonstrate the proper techniques before doing drills on appropriate sections of trail. The course will stay in motion for as much as possible, only stoping on the side to go over your progression and give you tips and tricks to make everything click easier.
Book a private class or a group course with one of our coaches to improve your MTB skills effectively.
A weekly program for the kids between the ages of 11 e 15. 5 days of group lessons from 14 alle 17 pm. Starting Sunday 4th July to Thursday 2nd September.
Groups: minimum 4, to 7 kids;
Age: 11 to 15 years old;
Duration: 5 days, from Sunday to Thursday.
Price per person - € 195
If the group does not reach the number of 4 people, the amount paid will be refunded.